Free Kneeling Chair Plans


Kneeling chairs arrived in our offices a few years ago. They introduced a whole new way of sitting that promised to alleviate the daily aches and pains suffered by so many office workers around the world.

The idea behind their chair-like design is to position the user at an open angle at the hips, with the buttocks and thighs resting on one cushion and the knees and shins on another. This “kneeling” position facilitates forward hip movement to promote a more upright posture and better alignment of the back, shoulders, and neck.

Free woodworking kneeling chair plans:

Free woodworking plans and how to get information, where to get free woodworking plans. Here you will find free printable recliner plans, best recliner plans, recliner models, modern recliner plans and you can read how much it costs to build a recliner.


This list of woodworking plans features a collection of construction plans to build various recliners for your home or office. Any average handyman can build. The woodworking information found on these sites varies in quantity and quality. Contact the various websites if you have any questions about these woodworking projects.

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Ergonmic kneeling chair Plans |PDF|

This free plan to build an ergonomic computer seat. The concept is not very new. In fact, it’s been around for about 25 years. Instead of your mother having to remind you, the chair itself keeps you from sliding around. She’s been using it for a while now and has noticed that her hands no longer go numb when she sits at the computer for hours at a time.    PDF PLAN AND MORE INFORMATION HERE

Wooden Kneeling Chair Plans |PDF|

Free woodworking plans to build a wooden kneeling chair for your office, this chair is built with hard wood, there is an other version of the plan where you can build this chair using metal. PDF PLANS AND MORE INFORMATION.


Kneeling Chair Plans

The construction of this chair is quite simple. Just look at the photo to get the correct dimensions of each piece. Cut out the rods and the wood panels. You will also need two other thin panels of the same shape and size, as I have updated the cushion construction. MAKING INSTRUCTIONS AND MORE INFO.


6 thoughts on “Free Kneeling Chair Plans”

    1. Luis Miguel Cortazar

      Hola.! Me gustaría hacer una “biblioteca” muy sencilla y pegada a la pared, por no tener espacio gracias

    1. woodworkingplansman

      los puedes descargae desde las paginas de lo creadodes de esos planos en los links qui hay abajo de cada imagen

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